GTTI PhD award for PhD Theses in the field of Communication Technologies
Con il fine di riconoscere l'importanza per la comunità scientifica dell'attività di ricerca svolta dai giovani e di stimolare il perseguimento di alti standard di qualità, il GTTI ogni anno premia le tre migliori tesi di dottorato in occasione della riunione annuale.
Standing rules (valid for the 2024 edition): (pdf version)
- GTTI establishes an annual Award in recognition of the best PhD Theses defended at an Italian University in the areas of Communications Technologies (Signal Processing, Digital Communications, Networking)
- The Theses will be evaluated by a Committee (to be renewed every year) whose members are distinguished Professors and non-academic experts in the field.
- The Committee will evaluate the Theses received after the call according to their technical and scientific relevance (both in absolute terms and relatively to the subject of the work), also considering the working environment. The main aspects considered are originality and innovation, as well as the author’s research autonomy and clarity of exposition.
- The Committee will issue a maximum of three Awards per year. Each Award is constituted by a diploma and of a prize of 1,500 Euros delivered personally to the winners during the annual GTTI meeting 2024 in Pisa, September 04-06.
- For the 2024 Award the Committee will only consider submitted PhD Theses defended in the period between May 16, 2023 and May 15, 2024.
- After successful completion of the final PhD defense, the candidates may apply for the Award by sending to GTTI the following documentation:
- Final version of the Thesis
- Final assessment expressed by the local Doctorate Committee after completion of the PhD program
- Final report issued by the PhD jury after the defense of the Thesis
- Signed application form with a declaration of conformity that documents in points 1, 2, and 3 are identical to the original
- A summary of the Thesis enhancing in short innovative aspects, main results, theoretical contributions, possible applications (maximum 1 page A4, format pdf, line spacing 1.5, character size 11 or 12).
All material has to be sent in electronic form (.pdf format) to the e-mail address by June 9, 2024, h. 24:00 CET (early submission is encouraged in order to facilitate the review process).
Templates for documents at above point (4) are available here
For further information, all interested parties should contact Prof. Marco Luise
I seguenti sono i vincitori degli anni precedenti:
Vincitori 2024
- Dr. Claudio Battiloro, Signal Processing and Learning over Topological Spaces, Università di Roma - La Sapienza, Advisor: Prof. Paolo Di Lorenzo slides
- Dr. Nicolò Dal Fabbro, Pushing the Boundaries of Federated Learning: Superlinear Convergence and Reinforcement Learning over Wireless, Università degli Studi di Padova, Advisors: Prof. Luca Schenato and Prof. Michele Rossi slides
- Dr. Giulia Slavic, Emergent self-awareness in multi-sensor physical agents, Università degli Studi di Genova and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Advisors: Prof. Carlo Regazzoni, Prof. Lucio Marcenaro and Prof. David Martin Gomez slides
Vincitori 2023
- Dr. Massimo Rosamilia, Antenna-Based Techniques for Modern Radars, Univ. Napoli Federico II, Advisor: Prof. Antonio De Maio, GTTI23 presentation slides
- Dr. Luca Lusvarghi, Vehicular Connectivity in 5G and Beyond, Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Advisor: Prof. Maria Luisa Merani, GTTI23 presentation slides
- Dr. Federico Mason, Communication and Learning in Dynamic Networks, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Advisor: Prof. Andrea Zanella, GTTI23 presentation slides
Vincitori 2022
- Dr. Bruschi Valerio, Closing the gap between Performance and Efficiency in Programmable Networking, Univ. Roma Tor Vergata, Advisor: Prof. Giuseppe Bianchi, GTTI22 presentation slides
- Dr. Meneghello Francesca, Wireless Communications and Sensing – Opportunities and Challenges for Environment Aware Networks, Univ. Padova, Advisor: Prof. Michele Rossi, GTTI22 presentation slides
- Dr. Saggese Fabio, Optimization algorithms for physical layer in 5G and beyond wireless networks, Univ. Pisa, Adisors: Proff. Marco Moretti, Michele Morelli, GTTI22 presentation slides
Vincitori 2021
Dr. Lorenzo Gaudio, Università degli studi di Parma: Multi-carrier modulations over sparse channels: communication, channel estimation, and radar sensing.
Dr. Mattia Merluzzi, Sapienza University of Rome: Dynamic Edge Computing and Learning
Dr. David Solarna, Università degli Studi di Genova: Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Methods for Remote Sensing Image Registration and Fusion
Abstract e bio sono disponibili nel programma GTTI 2021
Vincitori 2020
Dr. Stella Civelli, "Nonlinear frequency-division multiplexing: theoretical aspects, numerical algorithms, and experimental demonstration", Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Dr. Francesca Filippini, "Multichannel Passive Radar Systems: Signal Processing Techniques and Design Strategies", Sapienza University of Rome
Dr. Mattia Savardi, "Deep Learning Driven Methods for Medical Image Analysis and Media Psychology, Università di Brescia
Le loro video-presentazioni e quelle degli altri finalisti sono visibili alla seguente pagina: PhD 2020 Awards Days
Vincitori 2019
Dr. Daniel Zucchetto "Solutions for massive and secure Internet of Things networks", Università degli Studi di Padova, [pdf]
Dr. Andrea Matera "Interference Mitigation Techniques in Hybrid Wired-Wireless Communications Systems for Cloud Radio Access Networks with Analog Fronthauling", Politecnico di Milano, [pdf]
Dr. Massimo Battaglioni "Design and Analysis of Spatially Coupled LDPC Convolutional Codes", Università Politecnica delle Marche, [pdf]
Vincitori 2018
Dr. Marco Centenaro "On the support of Massive M2M Traffic in Heterogeneous Networks and 5G Cellular Networks", Università degli Studi di Padova [pdf]
Dr. Mario Di Mauro "Statistical Models for the Characterization, Identification, and Mitigation of Distributed Attacks in Data Networks", Università degli Studi di Salerno [pdf]
Dr. Nertjana Ustalli "Detection and motion parameters estimation techniques in Forward Scatter Radar" Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Vincitori 2017
Dr. Enrico Bocchi, "Network Traffic Measurements Applications to Internet Services and Security", Advisor Prof. M. Mellia, Politecnico di Torino [pdf]
Dr. Stefano Pergoloni, "Enabling Indoor Internet through Visible Light Communications: when Light brings Data", Advisor M. Biagi, Università di Roma, Sapienza [pdf]
Dr. Benedetta Tondi, "Theoretical Foundations of Adversarial Detection and Applications to Multimedia Forensics", Advisor M. Barni, Università degli Studi di Siena [pdf]
Dr. Massimo Zanetti, "Advanced Methods for the Analysis of Multispectral and Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images", Advisor L. Bruzzone, Università degli Studi di Trento [pdf]
Vincitori 2016
Dr. Pietro Morerio, "Hand-related Methods in Egocentric Vision", Advisor Prof. C. Regazzoni, Università degli Studi di Genova [pdf]
Dr. Vincenzo Sciancalepore, "Enhancements in Spectrum Management Techniques for heterogeneous 5G Future Networks", Advisor Prof. A. Capone, Politecnico di Milano [pdf]
Dr. Daniele Staglianò, "Multichannel/Multistatic Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar", Advisor Prof. M. Martorella, Università degli Studi di Pisa
Vincitori 2015
Dr. Bartoletti Stefania, "Wireless Localization Systems: Statistical Modeling and Algorithm Design", Advisor Prof. A. Conti, University of Ferrara [pdf]
Dr. Ferrante Guido Carlo, "Sagomatura dell'interferenza verso un'ottimizzazione di moderi sistemi di ricetrasmissione", Advisor Prof. Di Benedetto, University of Rome (Sapienza) [pdf]
Dr. Fontani Marco, "Digital Forensic Techniques for Splicing Detection in Multimedia Contents", Advisor Prof. M. Barni, University of Siena [pdf]
Vincitori 2014
Dr. Andrea Modenini, "Advanced transceivers for spectrally-efficient communications", Università degli Studi di Parma [pdf]
Dr. Marco Polverini, "Energy Saving Routing Strategies in IP Network", La Sapienza - Università di Roma [pdf]
Dr. Giovanni Serafino, "Photonic Solutions for Digital Processing and Microwave Subsystems", Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa
Vincitori 2013
Dr. Francesco Bonarrigo, "Robust and computationally effective multi-view alignment techniques for high-end 3D modeling pipelines", Advisor Dr. Signoroni, University of Brescia [pdf]
Dr. Luca Canzian, "On the Design of Incentive Mechanisms in Wireless Networks: a Game Theoretic Approach", Advisor Prof. Zorzi, University of Padova [pdf]
Dr. Francesco Montorsi, "Localization and Tracking for Indoor Environments", Advisor Prof. Vitetta, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia [pdf]
Vincitori 2012
Dr. Luca Canini, "A Connotative Framework for Movie Affective Characterization", Tutor Prof. Leonardi/Benini, University of Brescia
Dr. Paolo Di Lorenzo, "Bio-Inspired Dynamic Radio Access in Cognitive Networks based on Social Foraging Swarms", Tutor Prof. Barbarossa, University "Roma 1"
Dr. Federico Penna, "Statistical Methods for Cooperative and Distributed Inference in Wireless Networks", Tutor Prof. Garello, Politecnico di Torino
Vincitori 2011
Dr. Alfred Asterjadhi, "Network Coding for Cognitive Radio Networks", Tutor Prof. Michele Zorzi, Università di Padova
Dr. Luca Chiaraviglio, "Energy Efficient Telecommunication Networks", Tutor Prof. Fabio Neri, Politecnico di Torino
Dr. Gianluca Falco, "Advanced Algorithms for GNSS Systems", Tutor Prof. Fabio Dovis, Politecnico di Torino
Vincitori 2010
Dott.ssa Chiara Buratti, "Wireless Ambient Networks", Tutor Prof. Roberto Verdone, Università di Bologna
Dr. Marco Bertolini, "Phase modulated long-haul optical transmission with differential and coherent detection", Tutor Prof. Alberto Bononi, Università di Parma
Dr. Simone Savasta, "GNSS Localisation techniques in Interfered Environments", Tutor Prof.ssa Letizia Lo Presti, Politecnico di Torino