Riunione annuale 2024

Pisa, 4-6 Settembre 2024

La Riunione Annuale 2024 si terrà a Pisa dal 4 al 6 Settembre 2024 ed è organizzata in collaborazione tra l'Università degli Studi di Pisa e la Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna.

Al seguente link è possibile registrarsi alla riunione GTTI24: registrazione.

La settimana successiva (Sett. 10-13), si terrà la conferenza IEEE SPAWC (https://spawc2024.org/) nella vicina Lucca. Gli iscritti alla riunione  GTTI24 interessati a prendere parte anche a  SPAWC 2024 sono pregati di contattare Luca Sanguinetti (luca.sanguinetti@unipi.it) o Giacomo Bacci (giacomo.bacci@unipi.it) per ulteriori dettagli sulla registrazione.

La riunione GTTI si terrà:

La cena sociale sarà al Bistrot dell’Opera in Piazza del Duomo, 23, 56126 Pisa PI.
Tenuto conto dell'elevata richiesta di alberghi a Pisa in questo ultimo periodo, si raccomanda ai partecipanti alla riunione di provvedere a prenotare una sistemazione alberghiera QUANTO PRIMA.

Per informazioni sull'organizzazione locale contattare il Prof. Marco Luise o il Prof. Piero Castoldi.

Programma della Riunione:

Keynote speech

Speaker: Michael Unser

TitleRepresenter theorems for inverse problems and machine learning

Abstract: Image reconstruction from a finite number of measurements and supervised learning share a common feature: they both are fundamentally ill-posed. In practice, this indetermination is dealt with by imposing constraints on the solution; these are either implicit, as in neural networks, or explicit via the use of a regularization functional. In this talk, I present a unifying perspective that revolves around a new representer theorem that characterizes the solution of a broad class of functional optimization problems. I then use this theorem to derive the most prominent classical algorithms — e.g., kernel-based techniques and smoothing splines — as well as their “sparse” counterparts. This leads to the identification of sparse adaptive splines, which have some remarkable properties.
I then show how these results can guide the design of deep, as well as not-so-deep, spline-based neural architectures that extend the classical ReLU nets.

Speaker's bio: Michael Unser is Full Professor at the EPFL and the academic director of EPFL's Center for Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland. His primary areas of investigation are biomedical imaging and applied functional analysis. He is internationally recognized for his research contributions to sampling theory, wavelets, the use of splines for image processing, stochastic processes, and computational bioimaging. He has published over 400 journal papers on those topics. He is the author with P. Tafti of the book “An introduction to sparse stochastic processes”, Cambridge University Press 2014.
From 1985 to 1997, he was with the Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation Program, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda USA, conducting research on bioimaging.
Dr. Unser has served on the editorial board of most of the primary journals in his field including the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (associate Editor-in-Chief 2003-2005), IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Proc. of IEEE, and SIAM J. of Imaging Sciences. He is the founding chair of the technical committee on Bio Imaging and Signal Processing (BISP) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
Prof. Unser is a fellow of the IEEE (1999), an EURASIP fellow (2009), and a member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences. He is the recipient of several international prizes including five IEEE-SPS Best Paper Awards, two Technical Achievement Awards from the IEEE (2008 SPS and EMBS 2010), the Technical Achievement Award from EURASIP (2018), and a recent Career Achievement Award (IEEE EMBS 2020). He was awarded three ERC AdG grants: FUNSP (2011-2016), GlobalBioIm (2016-2021), and FunLearn (2021-2026).


Speaker: Riccardo de Gaudenzi

Title: Satellite communications: current trends and key challenges

Abstract: Satellite networks played a key role in supporting the establishment of global communication networks, video broadcasting and complementing terrestrial networks for uncovered areas. While the biggest commercial success has been in the domain of broadcasting and professional applications, there is a growing interest and investments related to the provision of complementary broadband and narrowband fixed mobile services by satellite.

This talk will provide a review of the evolution of satellite communication systems and technological trends covering the different commercial applications. Stemming from the most important satellite applications, market aspects, associated frequency bands, system architectures key technologies the following satcom systems will be covered:

  • Non-geostationary narrowband mobile constellation systems and associated challenges (Iridium, Globalstar, AST Mobile, Apple, Beidou 3, Lynk, Starlink).
  • Geostationary mobile satellite communication systems (Inmarsat, Thuraya, Solaris/Echostar, Inmarsat Global Xpress)
  • Geostationary high throughput satellite communication systems and associated challenges (Eutelsat Ka-sat, Viasat 2-3, Jupiter 3)
  • Non-geostationary broadband (mega)-constellations systems and associated challenges (SES O3B, OneWeb, Space X Starlink, Amazon Kuiper)

Some takeaways will be provided to illustrate lessons learned and key challenges ahead.

Speaker's bio: Riccardo De Gaudenzi received his Master degree (cum Laude) in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy in 1985, a PhD from the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands in 1999 and a Communication Engineering Master degree ad honorem from University of Parma in 2021. He is currently a freelance consultant and University lecturer. From 1986 to 1988 he was with the European Space Agency (ESA), Stations and Communications Engineering Department, Darmstadt (Germany) where he was involved in satellite Telemetry, Tracking and Control (TT&C) ground systems design and testing. In 1988, he joined ESA’s Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands where he has been covering several technical and managerial positions inside the Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality. As last position, he has been the Head of the ESA’s Electrical Department from 2018 until December 2023. The department staffed with more than 260 professionals covered radio-frequency systems and payloads for navigation, telecommunication TT&C and Earth Observation, EEE components and microelectronics, data handling systems, power systems and energy sources, electromagnetic compatibility, space environments and their effects. He has been responsible for a large number of R&D activities for TT&C, Telecom and Navigation applications. In 1996 he spent one year with Qualcomm Inc., San Diego USA, in the Globalstar LEO project system group under an ESA fellowship. His current interest is mainly related with efficient digital modulation and multiple access techniques for fixed and mobile satellite services, synchronization topics, adaptive interference mitigation techniques and communication systems simulation techniques. He actively contributed to the development and the demonstration of the ETSI S-UMTS Family A, S-MIM, DVB-S2, DVB-S2X, DVB-RCS2 and DVB-SH standards. He has published more than 140 scientific papers and owns more than 30 patents. From 2001 to 2005 he has been
serving as Associate Editor for CDMA and Synchronization for IEEE Transactions on Communications and Associate Editor for Journal of Communications and Networks. He is co-recipient of the 2003 and 2008 Jack Neubauer Memorial Award Best Paper from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He has been awarded the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 2022 Aerospace Communications Award.

Sessione Valutazione della ricerca

Speaker #1: Marco Malgarini, ANVUR
Title: Processo di valutazione VQR 2020-2024

Speaker #2: Daniel Mietchen, FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure
Title: Open evaluation of research-related activities - practical considerations
Abstract: The complex nature of the research landscape provides ample opportunities to evaluate specific contributions, yet doing so in a way that spans across multiple contexts is challenging. Opening up this landscape tends to complicate the picture even further. Prevailing evaluation paradigms of research-related activities are strongly biased towards certain types of contributions, and they lack transparency and alignment with societal needs. Such evaluation workflows can be opened up in various ways too, and this talk will zoom in on practical aspects of that from the perspective of multiple stakeholders in the research landscape.
Speaker's bio:Daniel Mietchen received a PhD in Physics from Saarland University in 2006 and has since worked on opening up the research ecosystem, paying special attention to sharing early steps in the research cycle. While his own research oscillates between natural sciences, data science and related fields, he is particularly active in opening up research infrastructures and aligning them with applicable policies. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) and is a contributor to various large-scale collaborative initiatives, including Wikidata, OpenStreetMap and iNaturalist. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9488-1870

Sessione Futuro della didattica

Speaker #1: Prof.ssa Agata Cecilia Amato Mangiameli, Università Tor Vergata
Title: Per una didattica smart e una ricerca condivisa
Biografia: Avvocato Cassazionista, è Professoressa Ordinaria di Filosofia del diritto, Biogiuridica e Informatica giuridica presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata. Presso il medesimo Ateneo, è Coordinatrice del “Dottorato di Diritto Pubblico” e del Centro Studi Giuridici “Di-con-per Donne”. Già presidente del Comitato Etico degli Istituti di Ricovero e Cura della Regione Lazio, attualmente è membro del Comitato Etico Territoriale Lombardia 2. Dirige svariate collane e riviste scientifiche di settore italiane e straniere, fra cui, per la Casa Editrice Giappichelli, la collana “Stelle Inquiete. Interventi e confronti” e, per l’editore brasiliano D’Placido, le collane “Direito e Direitos” e “Inteligência artificial e direito”. È stata borsista dell’Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung ed è visiting professor in numerose Università europee, Brasiliane e Americane. Ha scritto 20 monografie e più di trecento articoli e saggi, di cui molti, sono stati tradotti in francese, in inglese, in spagnolo e in portoghese. Fra le curatele e i lavori a carattere monografico in tema di nuove tecnologie, possono segnalarsi: Smart Law. Habitar o mundo digital e conviver com novas tecnologias, D’Placido, Belo Horizonte, 2024; (con G. Saraceni), Cento e una voce di Informatica giuridica, Giappichelli, Torino, 2023; (con M.N. Campagnoli), Strategie digitali. #diritto_educazione_tecnologie, Giappichelli, Torino, 2020; (con G. Saraceni), I reati informatici. Elementi di teoria generale e principali fattispecie criminose, Giappichelli, Torino, 2019; Informatica giuridica. Appunti e materiali ad uso di lezioni, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015.
Abstract: Da alcuni decenni siamo entrati in una nuova era – quella della comunicazione – che ha ridisegnato il mondo e riconfigurato in senso proprio il nostro modo di abitarlo. Device e app di ogni genere, ma anche assistenti vocali e traduttori automatici, scandiscono (e nel frattempo semplificano e velocizzano) pressoché tutte le nostre attività̀ quotidiane, da quelle lavorative sino ad arrivare a quelle ludiche. Di qui – e non potrebbe essere altrimenti – la necessità di riconsiderare l’articolata relazione fra diritto, educazione e tecnologia. Nella consapevolezza che, se, da un lato, è opportuno educare alle nuove tecnologie, favorendone un uso sicuro; da un altro lato, è necessario educare con le nuove tecnologie, e cioè, avvalendosi di tecniche multimediali e di supporti interattivi, che concorrono – non solo ad abbattere le barriere fra docenti e discenti – ma anche a rendere più accattivante e ricca la ricerca, la didattica e, in generale, l’approccio al sapere.

Speaker #2: Aluisi Tosolini, Filosofo dell’educazione, coordinatore scientifico Casco Learning
Title: AI e processi educativi: tra catastrofare e orizzontare
Abstract: L’intervento analizza come il sistema educativo italiano sta rapportandosi con la sfida dell’intelligenza artificiale (in particolare generativa). Esperienze e documenti di riferimento.