Roma, 18-20 giugno 2007
18 Giugno presso il Tempio di Adriano - Piazza di Pietra 65
19 e 20 Giugno presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell'Università La Sapienza - via Eudossiana 18.
Informazioni utili
a cura di Ilaria Marchetti, La Sapienza.
Moduli di iscrizione
Da compilare e inviare alla Segreteria Organizzativa Formato Word
Formato PDF
Prenotazioni alberghiere disponibili entro al 31 marzo
Stilema - Via Cavour, 8 - 10123 Torino
Telefono 011-5624259 / 011-530066 int. 206
Fax 011-534409 - e-mail: congressi@stilema-to.it
Organizzatori Locali
Prof. Roberto Cusani, Università di Roma La Sapienza
Prof. Alessandro Neri, Università di Roma 3
La Riunione Annuale 2007 del Gruppo nazionale Telecomunicazioni e Teoria dell'Informazione
si terrà a Roma dal 18 al 20 giugno 2007.
La mattina della giornata di apertura è dedicata all'incontro con le componenti politiche ed istituzionali, mentre il pomeriggio prevede l'incontro con le principali aziende ICT che operano in Italia.
Il secondo giorno sarà dedicato agli aspetti scientifici, con particolare attenzione alla valorizzazione dei risultati prodotti dai giovani ricercatori. La mattina del terzo giorno prevede presentazioni scientifiche invitate su temi ad elevato tasso di innovazione. Nel pomeriggio del terzo giorno avrà luogo l'assemblea del CNIT.
L'invito alle componenti politiche ed istituzionali riflette il desiderio di attivare un colloquio che permetta alla componente accademica di mettere a disposizione del Paese e della Pubblica Amministrazione le competenze presenti nell'Università italiana.
L'incontro con le principali aziende che operano in Italia nel settore ICT (da organizzare in collaborazione con AICT) ha parimenti lo scopo di identificare strumenti che permettano di sfruttare al meglio il contributo che la componente accademica può fornire all'innovazione di prodotti e servizi, con l'obiettivo comune di incrementare la competitività delle aziende nazionali del settore ICT.
del programma scientifico della riunione, e in particolare nella giornata
del 19 giugno, si è deciso di prevedere uno spazio, articolato in quattro
sessioni in parallelo, dedicato alla presentazione di contributi originali
di ricerca selezionati su base open call.
Le quattro sessioni verteranno sulle aree
- Trasmissione Numerica
- Elaborazione dei Segnali
- Reti
- Telerilevamento
I colleghi,
e in particolare i più giovani (ricercatori, assegnisti, borsisti post-doc, dottorandi),
sono tutti invitati a inviare i propri contributi sotto forma di articoli
originali in lingua inglese, entro e non oltre il 31 marzo 2007
13 Aprile 2007
inviandoli via email all'indirizzo gtti07@gtti.it
Non è richiesto un formato particolare per gli articoli.
Tutti gli articoli
pervenuti saranno sottoposti a un processo di revisione a cura del Comitato
di Programma, e gli articoli accettati saranno visibili in formato .pdf
in una apposita area dello stesso sito web.
Tra gli articoli
accettati ne verrà ulteriormente selezionato uno per area, cui verrà
assegnato un riconoscimento di Best Paper Award.
Il Comitato di Programma
- Marco Ajmone Marsan
- Roberto Cusani
- Riccardo Leonardi
- Marco Listanti
- Marco Lops
- Marco Luise
- Alessandro Mecocci
- Sergio Palazzo
- Claudio Prati
Programma delle giornate
Lunedì 18 |
Martedì 19 |
Mercoledì 20 |
9-11 |
Introduzione |
Keynote Speech: Martin Vetterli, "Distributed Signal Processing for Sensor Networks" |
Sessione a invito: Multimedia Signal Processing (Leonardi) |
11-13 |
Interventi Personalità della Politica |
Trasm. Num. |
Elab. Segn |
Reti |
Teleril. |
Sessione a invito: Comun. Via Satellite (G. E. Corazza) |
pranzo |
pranzo |
pranzo |
14-15.30 |
Interventi Personalità del mondo Industriale (con la collaborazione di AICT) |
Trasmissione |
Elaborazione Segnale |
Reti |
Telerilevamento |
Assemblea CNIT |
16-18.30 |
Riunione del Cons. Scient. |
Plenary Sessions: Mario Morcellini (Scienza della Comunicazione) “Aspetti sociologici delle Telecomunicazioni”, Roberta Bruzzone, “Tecnologie delle Telecomunicazioni e Crimine |
Escursione |
Cena sociale |
Sessione a invito: Multimedia Signal Processig - Organizzatore R. Leonardi.
20/6/2007 ore 9-11- M. Barni, Univ. of Siena
Processing encrypted signals: a new frontier for multimedia security
Most of technological solutions proposed so far to cope with the issues of multimedia security rely on the use of cryptography. Early works in this direction simply tried to apply some cryptographic primitives, to build a secure layer on top of the signal processing modules, able to protect them from leakage of critical information. Examples of such an approach include the encryption of content before its transmission or storage (like encrypted digital TV channels), or wrapping multimedia objects into an encrypted system with an application (the reader) allowing to use the multimedia work only in a controlled manner so that the content cannot be accessed without the proper application.
All these solutions are based on the concept that the owner of the content and the user trust each other and that the encryption layer is used only to protect the data against third parties not authorized to access the data. In many cases, though, the owner of the content may not trust the users, or those actors that are required to manipulate in some way the content. It is clear that the availability of signal processing algorithms that work directly on the encrypted signals would be an invaluable help to circumvent the above problems in for application scenarios where “valuable” signals must be produced, processed or exchanged in digital format. Whereas the development of tools capable of processing an encrypted signal may seem a formidable task, some recent, still scattered, studies, spanning from digital watermarking, through secure compression, and access to encrypted databases, have shown that the application of signal processing in the encrypted domain is indeed feasible.
In addition to highlighting the benefits offered by the availability of signal processing tools capable of operating directly on encrypted data, it is the aim of this talk to revise the approaches proposed so far, pointing out the pros and cons of each of them, and to highlight directions for future research. A few case studies will be considered to better highlight the underlying concepts.
- P.L. Dragotti, Imperial College
Distributed Visual Information Processing in Camera Sensor Networks
The paradigm of point-to-point communications is well established, and dates back to the seminal work of Shannon. With the recent advances of the sensor network technology, a new paradigm for signal processing and communication is emerging and this will have a dramatic impact on the way we acquire and process signals and the way we transport and reconstruct them.
In this talk, we consider the case of camera sensor networks and discuss the entire signal processing pipeline: distributed data acquisition, distributed data compression and data reconstruction at the receiver. We first introduce the plenoptic function that well models the spatio-temporal structure of the visual data and study its sampling. We then focus on the problem of distributed compression and propose a distributed compression scheme that allows for a flexible allocation of bit-rates amongst the sensors. Finally, the data fusion problem is discussed and new results on image super-resolution and scene segmentation are presented.
We also briefly analyze the fundamental trade-offs between the reconstruction fidelity, the number and locations of cameras and the overall compression rate.
This is joint work with N. Gehrig (ICL), Jesse Berent (ICL), Loic Baboulaz (ICL), M. Gastpar (UC&Berkeley) and M. Vetterli (EPFL).
- F. Lavagetto, Univ. of Genoa
A technology for animated virtual assistants: a successful story from laboratory to market.
The scientific and technological heritage consolidated by DIST DSP laboratory through many years of commitment in European research projects stemmed in 2001 the spin-off Eptamedia with the mission of targeting basic research technologies to market. The core of Eptamedia technology is based on Facial Animation Engine (FAE) able to animate an anthropomorphic talking 3D model starting from text with synchronization of lip movements with speech. The technology has been progressively enriched with new features like the ability to reproduce emotional prosody both in speech and in animation, the possibility to apply a simplified 2D model to photographic images or drawings, the adaptive simplification of the 3D polygonal mesh to application/platform requirements. Implementations have been developed both for Windows-Linux PC, palm PC and Symbian cellular smart phones.
- R. Rinaldo, Univ. of Udine
Multiple description video coding for reliable transmission
Multiple Description (MD) coding is a recently proposed solution for multimedia transmission, where several descriptions of the source are generated and sent over logically independent paths. The idea is to send redundant descriptions of a single source to the receiver and be able to reconstruct the transmitted data when part of this information is lost. The idea is similar to that used in Forward Error Correction coding, with the important difference that redundancy is added in the signal domain rather than in the symbol domain. After introducing the most promising and effective MD solutions, we will consider in particular the use of redundant bases (frames). Frame expansions permit exact reconstruction of lost information even in the presence of data losses, at the expense of added redundancy. The possible advantage in using frames is that added information can be visually consistent, so that every description contains information that can help to reconstruct or approximate the original sequence. We will present recent results and comparisons between different schemes and techniques.
- A. Sarti, Polytechnic of Milan
Acoustic Sensing through Microphone Arrays
The Space-Time processing of acoustic signals acquired with microphone arrays has opened the way to a plethora of cutting-edge applications in numerous fields ranging from security to intelligent speech-based applications, to environmental acoustics, to the high-end acquisition of musical signals. The goals are to localizing multiple acoustic sources in space, tracking them as they move in the environment, separating them from each other, cleaning them from reverberation and noise, and inferring their radiation pattern, and aiming at real-time operation for all these applications. Many are the challenges that make these results very difficult to achieve: real environments exhibit a strongly reverberant and rather unpredictable behavior, signals of interest are not narrowband, the allowed number of microphones is usually quite limited. In this talk, we describe some solutions for overcoming these difficulties and discuss the related applications. This is joint work with M. Pierobon, M. Marcon, and A. Sarti. - S. Tubaro, Polytechnic of Milan
Human Action Classification from 4D data (3D+time) based on an Invariant Body Shape Descriptor and Hidden Markov Models
We propose a human action clustering method based on a 3D representation of the body in terms of volumetric data extracted from the analysis of the images coming from a multi-camera system. Features representing body postures are extracted, at each time instant, directly from 3D data, making the system inherently insensitive to viewpoint dependence, motion ambiguities and self-occlusions. An Invariant Shape Descriptor of human body is obtained in order to capture only posture-dependent characteristics, despite possible differences in translation, orientation, scale and body size. In the training phase of the system the shape descriptor data obtained from instances of the gestures performed by several “actors” is used to define a set of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) that statistically describe each considered gesture. In the classification phase the compatibility of the feature sequence that describe the current gesture with the HMMs defined in the training phase is evaluated in order to identify the performed action. Tests on real data (acquired in our smart room) have shown the correctness and the potentiality of the proposed approach. This is joint work with F. Antonacci, , A. Sarti , and M. Tagliasacchi
Sessione a invito: Comunicazioni via Satellite - Organizzatore G. E. Corazza.
20/6/2007 ore 11-13- Giovanni E. Corazza (Università di Bologna): Introduction - The ISI Technology Platform
- Franco Micoli (Alcatel-Lucent): Unlimited Mobile Broadcasting with DVB-SH
- Antonio Bove (Elsacom): The evolution of Globalstar
- Marcello Ricottilli (Finmeccanica): GMES: a European sentinel around the globe
- Vincenzo Fogliati (Telespazio): Universal satellite services for people on the move
- Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli (University of Bologna): DVB-S2/RCS for mobile broadband access and broadcasting