Elenco di libri i cui autori sono membri del GTTI
Satellite and Terrestrial Radio Positioning Techniques - A signal processing perspective
Davide Dardari, University of Bologna
Emanuela Falletti, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella
Marco Luise, University of Pisa
Location-aware personal devices and location-based services have become ever more prominent in the past few years, thanks to the significant advances in position location technology. Sensor networks, geographic information, emergency services, location management, location-based billing, location-based advertising, intelligent transportation, and leisure applications are just some of the potential applications that can be enabled by these techniques. Increasingly, satellite and terrestrial positioning techniques are being combined for maximum performance; to produce the next wave of location-based devices and services, engineers need to combine both components. This book benefits from the latest research results obtained by the European FP7 Network of Excellence NEWCOM++, and is the first to present a holistic view, covering all aspects of positioning: both terrestrial and satellite, both theory and practice, both performance bounds and signal processing techniques. It will provide a valuable resource for product developers and R&D engineers, allowing them to improve existing location schemes and develop future schemes for new systems.
- The first book to combine satellite and terrestrial positioning techniques - vital for the understanding and development of new technologies
- Written and edited by leading experts in the field, with contributors belonging to the European Commission's FP7 Network of Excellence NEWCOM++
- Applications to a wide range of fields, including sensor networks, emergency services, military use, location-based billing, location-based advertising, intelligent transportation, and leisure
- A unified view of satellite and terrestrial global and local radio positioning systems, enabling engineers to combine these technologies to develop high quality, innovative location-based products with a wide range of applications.
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd, London
ISBN: 978-0123820846
Publication date: Nov. 2011
Number of pages: 432
Wireless Communications: Algorithmic Techniques
Giorgio Vitetta: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Desmond P. Taylor: University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Giulio Colavolpe: University of Parma, Italy
Fabrizio Pancaldi: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Philippa A. Martin: University of Canterbury, New Zealand
This book introduces the theoretical elements at the basis of various classes of algorithms commonly employed in the physical layer (and, in part, in MAC layer) of wireless communications systems. It focuses on single user systems, so ignoring multiple access techniques. Moreover, emphasis is put on single-input single-output (SISO) systems, although some relevant topics about multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are also illustrated.
- Comprehensive wireless specific guide to algorithmic techniques
- Provides a detailed analysis of channel equalization and channel coding for wireless applications
- Unique conceptual approach focusing in single user systems
- Covers algebraic decoding, modulation techniques, channel coding and channel equalisation
Publisher: John Wiley
ISBN: 978-0-470-51239-5
Publication date: May 2013
Number of pages: 744 -
Elaborazione numerica dei segnali - Teoria, esercizi ed esempi al calcolatore
Fabrizio Argenti, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
Lorenzo Mucchi, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
Enrico Del Re, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
Questo testo offre alla trattatistica universitaria della disciplina un approccio originale poichè, insieme alle basi teoriche, presenta agli studenti un'ampia gamma di esempi ed esercizi svolti e proposti, oltre a numerosi problemi risolti con MATLAB. Il volume propone più di 140 tra esempi ed esercizi svolti con soluzione analitica e più di 60 esempi risolti al calcolatore. Sono presenti inoltre più di 130 esercizi, proposti allo studente per la verifica della preparazione raggiunta. Gli esempi e gli esercizi di base, che rappresentano un'immediata traduzione della teoria, sono completati dall'esame di casi più complessi, per comprendere le possibili applicazioni avanzate. Anche se pensato principalmente come testo universitario, per la sua caratteristica di presentare numerose applicazioni concrete, può costituire un utile strumento di aggiornamento e autoapprendimento in ambito industriale. Al libro è associata una risorsa online contenente le soluzioni degli esercizi proposti agli studenti, alcuni complementi di teoria e i listati dei sorgenti MATLAB relativi agli esercizi al calcolatore presenti nel testo.Editore: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9788838661594
Data di pubblicazione: Gennaio 2011
Pagine: 584 -
Hands-On Networking - From Theory to Practice
Maria Luisa Merani, Università degli Studi di Modena, Italy
Maurizio Casoni, Università degli Studi di Modena, Italy
Walter Cerroni, Università degli Studi di Modena, Italy
Learn the core theory and explore real-world networking issues with this richly illustrated example-based textbook. It provides an accurate view of modern networks through detailed coverage of the most relevant networking technologies, with no unnecessary extras. Carefully designed, affordable laboratory exercises based on open-source software networking tools are included for hands-on practice with real networking devices. Numerous case studies and examples further link theory to practice, whilst the topologies, tools and configurations needed to carry out practical exercises are provided to guide students through each task. Its bottom-up approach is easy for students to follow and perfect for lab-oriented courses.ISBN: 9780521869850
Number of Pages: 272
Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and Applications
Patrizio Campisi Universita degli Studi "Roma TRE," Italy
Karen Egiazarian Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Blind image deconvolution is constantly receiving increasing attention from the academic as well the industrial world due to both its theoretical and practical implications. The field of blind image deconvolution has several applications in different areas such as image restoration, microscopy, medical imaging, biological imaging, remote sensing, astronomy, nondestructive testing, geophysical prospecting, and many others. Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and Applications surveys the current state of research and practice as presented by the most recognized experts in the field, thus filling a gap in the available literature on blind image deconvolution.Explore the gamut of blind image deconvolution approaches and algorithms that currently exist and follow the current research trends into the future. This comprehensive treatise discusses Bayesian techniques, single- and multi-channel methods, adaptive and multi-frame techniques, and a host of applications to multimedia processing, astronomy, remote sensing imagery, and medical and biological imaging at the whole-body, small-part, and cellular levels. Everything you need to step into this dynamic field is at your fingertips in this unique, self-contained masterwork.
For image enhancement and restoration without a priori information, turn to Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and Applications for the knowledge and techniques you need to tackle real-world problems.
ISBN: 9780849373671
ISBN 10: 0849373670
Number of Pages: 472
CRC Press -
Digital Satellite Communications
Giovanni E. Corazza(Ed.), University of Bologna, Italy
Digital Satellite Communications focuses on the study and design of efficient and flexible physical layers for broadband mobile and fixed satellite links. The chapters address long-term developments for advanced physical layer techniques in broadband communications, fixed and mobile terminals, and 4G evolutions with a potential convergence between different technologies.
A general description of satellite systems and services is provided which organizes the material into a generalized and readable framework. The approach is both analytical and descriptive.
The book provides a unified view of essential topics, including:- fundamental theories
- channel coding and modulation
- synchronization and parameter estimation
- distortions and countermeasures
- diversity techniques
- multiplexing and multiple access schemes
- software radio
2007, Approx. 580 p., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-387-25634-4 -
Achille Pattavina
Il libro si rivolge agli studenti che frequentano i corsi di Reti di telecomunicazioni I e Reti di telecomunicazioni II nelle Facoltà di Ingegneria area informazione (Elettronica, Telecomunicazioni, Informatica), Scienze dell'informazione.
ISBN: 386-6326-2
Pagine: 652